
Hippopo Baby Spa

by - 2:10 PM

It's a beautiful Sunday when my baby boy woke up cooing to himself, my husband and I have decided to bring him to Hippopo Baby Spa & Wellness centre for a swim and massage. 
We called in to make an appointment as we do not wish to be disappointed. Yes, it's a must to call in for appointment.

Look at this cute baby spa centre. 

 My 4 month old son enjoying his swim. He played at his own personal jacuzzi tub. The physiotherapist asked if the water is warm enough, you can test the temperature yourself. The water temperature is from 32-35 celcius and it's chlorine-free. Babies below 6 months of age will get to swim in their own personal tub, and babies above 6 months to 36 months will be swimming in a bigger tub with other babies. I was so happy to see him relaxing and enjoying himself. I've not seen him so happy before.

Did you know that swimming is a good exercise for babies? Swimming strengthens the heart and lungs while improving muscle development. I can see my son kicking excitedly in this baby tub.
Swimming also helps babies in brain development, improved sleep, bonding, social skills, healthy lifestyle, physical independence, self-awareness, and boost confidence in them. My son slept 4 hours straight after his swim.

This is the massage space for babies above 6 months.

My husband and I decided to sign him up as a member with 10 swims package. We've decided not to take the massage service it's not because the service wasn't good, it's because we do not want stranger to massage or touch our baby. I read an article a few months back that babies are at their growing and learning stage, by massaging or touching will deliver a message to babies that they can be touched by any strangers. I'll rate them as 4 stars for now. 5 stars will be given if the physiotherapist will be able to show and guide each mothers to massage their own babies by using a dummy baby. Isn't this perfect? Mothers can take this opportunity to have this special bonding time with their babies.

We received our membership card.
The benefits of being a member with Hippopo Baby Spa;
  1. You get to bring your baby to other branches with your member card
  2. Get 10% off on all products and services
  3. 20% off baby spa services during baby's birthday month
  4. 20% off on products during baby's birthday month

There are 7 branches available in Malaysia. 
Check out their website for more information at Hippopo.my

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